See It Everywhere

Vision boards and other visualization tools are great. Repetition can build desire. When you see your vision board, repeatedly, you are reminded of what your goals are.   You are reminded of just what you want.  This gets you excited and motivated.

If you are consistent with your visualization efforts then eventually you will get good at actually seeing yourself accomplish your goals.

Once you start doing this then you will have even more motivation, and more importantly, you will actually start to believe that you can accomplish your goals. Belief is the key to actually pulling it off.

Once you start to believe that you will accomplish it (once you believe that it is a certainty) then you will start to feel the feelings associated with accomplishing this goal.

Once you start doing feeling then you will experience a tremendous pull towards your goal.

Here is an observation that I have however, in doing coaching work, that I have noticed when it comes to people using vision boards to drive emotional pull:

Their vision board is located in one place in their house, and they will often go days without looking at it, focusing on it, visualizing the successful accomplishment of the things that are on there, and feeling the emotions associated with accomplishing them.

Basically the vision boards turn into nice posters, pieces of art, if you will.

What is the point of that?

If you are going to make one, then don’t miss out on its power.

Making a vision board is not just a feel good exercise (for when you make the board).

It can be a tremendous catalyst for change in your life if you experience (see and feel) the successful accomplishment of your images and you condition it consistently through habit. You will wake up each day with tremendous energy and go to bed full of ideas.

You won’t get that power from your vision board, or goal statement, if it just sits somewhere like a piece of art collecting dust.

Here is a better strategy that I have learned – and I do with myself. It is called the “card technique”.

I take 5 or 6 small blank pieces of paper the size of business cards.

On the cards I write a one or two word reminder, “a word picture”, of what I want for each of my 3-4 top goals.

For example I will write one or two words that remind me of a business (or any other) goal that I have set. Just one or two words for that goal that have the effect of bringing to life an image.

I then do another word picture for the other goals I have, so that each card will end up with 3 or 4 simple word pictures on it. I then make 5 or 6 identical cards and tape them everywhere. On my laptop. On my bathroom mirror. In my car. On my desktop computer.

So basically wherever I go during the day I am constantly seeing what I want by just reading a one or two word reminder. But I don’t have to go to my vision board. I keep my vision board with me, wherever I go. But I allow my mind to make the image. The words remind me of what I want. My mind makes the images. There – that is my vision board. It is with me everywhere.

Do that for 100 days in a row and watch the awesome motivational power that you’ll have. It is incredible. You will see your images so much, so often, you will believe they are possible and you will take action like you never have before.

Try it even for a week and see the change!

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